Ways to Women’s Empowerment

Donor: USAID/World Learning

Project duration:01.01.2011 - 31.03.2011


The main focus of this project was the inspiration, encouragement and motivation of women by the series of six documentaries named "Women's Courage". The overall objective of the project was to increase knowledge of both genders on opportunities available for women to empower themselves in their respective communities. Some important needs identified during the process were: the need for promotion of women's values; the need for more collaboration among women and men; the need to increase the collaboration among women and local structures; and the immediate need to change the masculine mentality and gender stereotypes. The most important outcomes of this project were: new economic initiatives for women were established; new women leaders at local levels were identified; and most importantly 24 women and girls were hired by the private and public sectors as a result of this intervention.

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