Durrës_Roundtable discussion “Improving working conditions in the garment and footwear factories in Albania”
"Gender Alliance for Development" Center, with the support of Solidarity Center, organized a discussion table on the topic "Improving working conditions in the garment and footwear factories in Albania".
This event was attended by representatives of state institutions: Mrs. Adelina Hoxha from the National Employment and Skills Agency, Durrës Regional Directorate; Mrs. Elida Gjoka, State Inspectorate of Labor and Social Services, Durrës Regional Directorate; representative of Solidarity Center Mr. Steven McCloud; Mr. Edvin Prence from Pro Eksport Albania; as well as representatives of the garment and footwear manufacturing businesses in Durrës.
Some of the issues discussed:
· The employment situation in garment and footwear factories (how many are employed in total, how many women, how much is the industry affected by the lack of labor force, what is the situation now after the pandemic, etc.).
· Working conditions in textile and footwear factories.
· Functioning of Workplace Safety and Health Councils.
· Issues related to Convention C-190 against violence and harassment in the workplace.
· The inspections carried out in this sector; Manufacturing enterprises that work informally: difficult conditions for workers and informal work (how many of these cases are discovered, how do they disrupt fair competition with regular enterprises).
· Measures being taken to improve the situation in this industry.
· Effects of the government's project to switch production to a closed cycle, how is this being reflected in employment, wages and working conditions.
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