Roundtable Discussion: “Steps for a gender-sensitive value chain analysis”
16.11.2022 Roundtable Discussion: "Steps for gender-sensitive value chain analysis". A discussion on the situation and business sectors run by women and girls, which are most in need of a value chain analysis in the Municipality of Tirana. Women entrepreneurs who operate in the territory of Tirana Municipality take part in this discussion.
This meeting is being organized in the framework of the project "Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Gender-Sensitive Value Chain Analysis", funded by the U.S. Embassy in Tirana and implemented by Gender Alliance for Development Center, in Albania.
Albanian women and girls are great, and often hidden, contributors to the country's economic development. They are producers of raw materials, business owners and entrepreneurs, retail workers and end consumers. They help their businesses and those of their families to succeed and increase their profits, which benefits everyone. However, they continue to face obstacles in reaching their potential. Therefore, empowering women entrepreneurs and gender-sensitive value chain analysis of their businesses is very important.
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