Roundtable Discussion “Environmental Feminist Local Alliances”
The "Gender Alliance for Development" Center organized on November 2, in a hybrid format, the Roundtable Discussion "Local Feminist Environmental Alliances".
In this meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss together with civil society organizations, the role of women, girls and young people in the advocacy of environmental issues and the important role that women can play in encouraging actions related to the environment. During the development of this project, together with our partners we managed to establish three Feminist Groups for the Environment in Puke, Kamez and Vlore.
During this meeting, we also presented the Policy Brief "Gender and Environment in Albania", which will be widely distributed.
Until December, together with the created groups, we will advocate at the local government for the issues raised by women, girls and young people in the three municipalities involved. This activity was organized in the framework of the project "Establish Environmental Feminist Local Alliances", implemented by the "Gender Alliance for Development" Center.
The project is supported by "Reactor Research in Action" and their partners through the Action "Furthering Gender Equality through the EU Accession Process". This Action is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
The organization of this event is the sole responsibility of GADC and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
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