Meeting with the youth of Kamëz_Environmental advocacy and the role of women as key actors for change
7.9.2022: Did you know that GADC since the beginning of September has organized meetings with women and girls on environmental advocacy and their key role for change!
Here we are with the youth of Kamëz, energetic young women passionate about getting involved and influencing change.
Their wish was to get more information, to have the opportunity for more group meetings and even create a TEAM through which, with the support of adults, they can be the informing voice for other young people in the area.
The project is supported by Reactor Research in Action/ Реактор истражување во акција and their partners through the Action "Furthering Gender Equality through the EU Accession Process". This Action is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Sida - Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete
The content of this post is the sole responsibility of GADC and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
#gendersensitiveeuaccession #PromotingGenderEquality #EUforGenderEquality
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