Discussion Table: Presentation of the Report on Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Shkodra
The Albanian Center for Population and Development, in the framework of the project “Sustainable Financing in the Municipality of Shkodra – Gender-Responsive Budgeting to deal with crisis situations and emergencies”, sub-grantee of the regional project “Strengthening Transparency and Accountability for Gender Equality in Western Balkans and Moldova (Gender Budget Watchdog Network, Phase II)” implemented in Albania by the Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC), held on 27 May 2024 a discussion table at the Municipal Council hall in Shkodra.
Present at the meeting were: the deputy mayor of the Municipality, Mrs. Teuta Qyteza, Mrs. Elona Hoxha, Executive Director of the Albanian Center for Population and Development and Mrs. Mirela Arqimandriti, Executive Director of the "Gender Alliance for Development" Center, who saluted the meeting and emphasized the importance of gender-responsive budgeting in developing the budget of the Municipality.
During the meeting there was a presentation of the study “Gender-responsive budgeting, an instrument for community integration and empowerment”, through which Mrs. Raimonda Duka, external expert engaged in the project, presented the findings and recommendations of the study to the representatives of local governance units, members of the Municipal Council, organizations and members of the community.
The participants then had a constructive conversation about the findings, which will help shape the Watchdog report.
In addition, during the meeting, project coordinator Mrs. Sanie Hoxha presented the Emergency Guide for the Shkodra Municipality. It is a guide which takes into consideration the fact that the challenges that emerged because of Covid-19 and climate change have a greater/more severe impact on women and girls.
Thus, the guide reflected a gender perspective, as well as proposed an adequate budget to minimize the risks that women and girls face in emergency situations.
It should be emphasized that this guide does not replace the Civil Emergency Plan of the Municipality, but it is a supplement to it. The aim is to integrate gender mainstreaming principles into local government functioning, in fulfillment of the GRB network objectives.
At the end of the meeting, the representatives of ACPD and GADC also met with the Mayor, Mr. Benet Beci, who expressed his willingness to accept the support of the civil society and to implement the recommendations derived from the report findings.