Meeting with Women Workers in Garment and Footwear Factories in Shkodra

On November 30, 2023, the Gender Alliance for Development Center held a meeting in Shkodra with women workers in the garment and footwear manufacturing sector. Mrs. Arbana Dibra led the discussion, which focused on women’s rights in the labor market. 24 women and girls from different factories participated in the meeting, where they received information on the Labor Code, contracts, and women’s rights in times of pregnancy. In addition, the topics of workplace safety, night work, workplace discrimination and stress were also addressed. The toll-free number was introduced as a tool for reporting violations.

During the training, a misunderstanding was identified regarding overtime work hours and their payment. Nonetheless, the new employees praised the training as informative and stated that the toll-free number is a valuable tool to report workplace violations. The meeting stressed the importance of awareness raising and education on women’s rights, addressing critical issues that impact their life and work in this sector.

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