Presenting the Gender-Sensitive Value Chain Analysis of the Handicrafts sub-sector


On October 31, GADC organized an event to present the gender-sensitive value chain analysis of the Handicrafts sub-sector.

The handicrafts sub-sector has a significant impact on Albania’s economy, providing income, employment and the preservation of cultural heritage.

This gender-sensitive analysis aims to provide an understanding of the handicrafts sub-sector in Tirana, to assess women’s participation in it, to uncover the roles of micro and small businesses, especially those of women artisans, and to map the value chains. The seminar analyzed these findings in a comprehensive way.

This activity was organized in the framework of the project: "Women's Economic Empowerment through Gender-Sensitive Value Chain Interventions", supported by the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Fund of the Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Tirana.

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