Roundtable Discussion: “Violence and Sexism against Women and Girls in Politics”

26.4.2023 Today, the "Gender Alliance for Development" Center and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy organized an important panel discussion on the phenomenon of violence and sexism against women and girls in politics.

In this meeting we discussed about the human rights of women and girls who decide to participate as members in political parties, or run for various positions within the party or during election processes.

This is an important problem that affects their development in the political and public scene, and negatively affects their performance. This problem becomes even more relevant for discussion during the electoral campaigns of the May 14 local elections.

Given the importance of this issue, the website was introduced as a platform for reporting violence against women in politics. This platform provides the necessary mechanisms to report violence against women in politics, including an anonymous online form and the toll-free number 08001818.

Let's take an important step together towards gender equality and stopping violence against women in politics!

We thank all the panelists for their valuable discussions and those who participated in person and online.

This activity was made possible with the support of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the British Embassy in Tirana.

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