Information session: Call for application for grants

In the framework of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network, we organized an information session about the "Call for Applications for Capacity Building and Grants" in Gender-Responsive Budgeting and Sustainable Response.

As an organization committed to promoting gender equality, we believe that this grant scheme is an essential step in achieving our goals. The grant scheme is part of the project STRENGTHENING TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR GENDER EQUALITY IN THE WESTERN BALKANS AND MOLDOVA (GENDER BUDGET WATCHDOG NETWORK (GBWN), PHASE II)"

This grant scheme has the potential to promote gender equality and sustainability in the Western Balkans and Moldova, and we encourage all interested organizations to submit their applications by April 7, 2023.

To learn more about the application details, please click here:

To see the presentation held during the information session, please click here:

The project is supported by the Austrian Development Agency and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.


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