World Day for Decent Work – the Living Wage

The "Gender Alliance for Development" Center, within the framework of the World Day for Decent Work, organized today a discussion table titled "The Living Wage. How much monthly income does a worker need to live decently" with the participation of representatives from several institutions and the civil society.

During this activity, participants discussed about decent work and the need to promote and support the improvement of working conditions in the textile and clothing industry. The purpose of this activity was also to present the "Basic Wage Standard in Europe – The Living Wage" report, which was prepared by the "Clean Clothes Campaign" Network, a study in which Albania was also included. You can read the full report by clicking the link:  

Mrs. Erinda Ballanca, head of the Ombudsman Institution, also participated in this virtual meeting, where, among other things, she spoke about the "Report on the Living Minimum Standard in Albania" prepared by this institution, a report which is being consulted by the public before it goes to the parliament.

Mrs. Eda Beqiri from the State Inspectorate of Labor and Social Services also participated in the meeting where, among other things, she emphasized the mutual work between GADC and the Inspectorate regarding reports received at the toll-free number 08001818 and their institutional follow-up.

Also part of the meeting was Mrs. Ermira Mitrushi from CLR, who brought to attention issues of safety and health at work and the gaps in the textile sector in terms of company physicians or operational safety councils.

Gender Alliance for Development Center has been working for years in the field, but also on studies and analyzes regarding women and girls who work in garment and footwear factories and with the support of the Olof Palme International Center, we are currently providing free legal aid to 7 cases reported to GADC.

Such meetings will continue, because the topics of the living wage and decent living must receive increasing attention.

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