Roundtable Discussion – Judges in the fight against gender-based violence in Albania

"Gender Alliance for Development" Center organized on 25.5.2021 the Roundtable Discussion "Judges in the Fight against Gender-based Violence in Albania."

During these years, special attention has been paid to the fulfillment of the legal obligations and role of the members of the Coordinated Referral Mechanism (CRM) as defined in decision no. 334, dated 17.2.2011 "On the work coordination mechanism for the referral of domestic violence cases and the manner of its functioning."

In the CRM, the representatives of the judicial district courts play a very important role, so it was necessary to hold this meeting between representatives of the judiciary and experts against gender-based violence, to clarify and detail the judges’ obligations and responsibilities for the protection of domestic violence victims.

GADC will prepare a newsletter about this meeting (which is the first in a series of several meetings for this year) with all the findings and suggestions from the discussions and will distribute it widely to the courts as well as civil society organizations.

This activity was organized in the framework of the project "Providing technical expertise for the government and CSOs for the development, budgeting, implementation and monitoring of measures to address violence against women in the new Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan” and is implemented within of the program "Implementing Norms, Changing Minds" - combating violence against women in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The project is funded by the European Union in Albania and implemented by UN Women Albania

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