About Us
Gender Alliance for Development Center work is achieved in collaboration with other actors that contribute to the area of gender equality in Albania. Key actors from the economic, social, and political areas are continuous partners in projects and events implemented by the center. Among these, we may mention:
Central and local institutions depends on the project we apply.
Among central governmental organizations we can mention
Ministry of Health and Social Protection; http://www.shendetesia.gov.al/
Ministry of Internal Affairs; http://mb.gov.al/
Ministry of Finance and Economy; http://www.financa.gov.al/
About the Local Governmental organizations we have very good communication and collaboration with all municipalities run by women by especially we can mention:
Municipality of Roskovec; http://bashkiaroskovec.gov.al/
Municipality of Puka; http://bashkiapuke.gov.al/
Municipality of Shkodra; http://www.bashkiashkoder.gov.al/
Municipality of Korca; http://www.bashkiakorce.gov.al/
We have very good collaboration with academia institutions private and public ones such as:
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of History and Philology, especially very good relations with the
Departamnet of Journalism and Communication
National Institute of Statistics
In addition, since GADC is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Albania since 2007 we have established very good collaboration with women in business, members of the American Chamber; http://www.amcham.com.al/
GADC has close collaboration with the National Chamber of Crafts https://www.dhkz.org.al/index.php/en/
GADC has string relationships with dozen of CSOs in Albania