About Us
Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC) is part of a number of national and international networks, formal and nonformal. GADC plays a fundamental role in establishing and expanding relations with a series of organizations and networks, which are involved in protecting women’s rights.
In Albania, GADC plays an important role in:
1. the Albanian Network Against Gender Violence and Trafficking in Human Being, which includes the oldest and most important partner organizations in Albania aganist GBV such as: the Counseling Line for Women and Girls, the Centre for Civic and Legal Initiatives, the “Refleksione” association, and the Shelter for Abused Women.
2. GADC is co founder and member of the Albanian Women Empowering Network, a network coumpound by 10 CSOs.
3. GADC is the founder and the member of the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections and for Sustainable Development (KZLN)
4. GADC is also member of the Network for Monitoring Gender Based Violence in Albania
5. GADC is member of Perballja e Ofertave Politike - Justaposing Political Offers- POP, a network of 9 organizations working in Albania for voicing citizens needs to the elected officials in local and central level.
At the international level, Gender Alliance for Development Center has strong collaboration with non-profit organizations throughout the region and beyond, in Sweden, Italy, Germany, Netherland, Kosovo, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece etc.
1. Since 2007 GADC is part of FREJA Forum www.frejaforum.com and FREJA Academy.
2. Since 2016 GADC is partner of the Clean Clothes Campaign https://cleanclothes.org/
3. GADC is member of KARAT Coalition for Regional Action since 2002
4. GADC is member of International Gender Policy Network since 2008
5. GADC is member of WIDE + since 2019