Furthering Women’s Labour Rights and Protection

Project title: Furthering Women’s Labour Rights and Protection, with a special focus on women workers in the garment sector. 

Duration of the project: January - December 2023

Donor: Olof Palme International Center 

Main Objective: Improvement of working conditions through empowerment and protection of the labor rights of women workers in the garment and footwear sector in Albania.

Specific Objectives:

SO1. Strengthening GADC reputation and expanding free legal aid and assistance offered for women working in the garment and footwear sector.

SO2. Empowerment of women working in the garment and footwear sector in Albania through capacity building and advocacy actions all over Albania.

SO3. Strengthen the relationship between GADC and other actors such as the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, Ombudsperson, Commissioner, Inspectorate of Labour, Trade Unions, Councils of Safety and Health; State Health Inspectorate.

Research and Papers

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